We Are Michigan's Trusted Partner For Backups

Protecting Your Hard Work in 3, 2, 1 . . .

You and your teams work exceptionally hard. Backups are the best way to be sure nothing gets lost to ransomware, drive failures, and mis-clicks.

The 3, 2, 1 Framework

3 Copies of Data With Every Backup
2 Types of Storage to Hold Backed-up Data
1 Copy Sent to Off-Site Storage (Cloud or Co-Lo)

Reporting Transparency

If a backup job fails, you are notified by the same tools we are.
We do this to keep ourselves accountable to your continuity.

Included With ALL Managed IT Plans

Each of our managed IT plans include varying levels of data backup to protect your environment and information.

Communication Backups - Included!

We will handle backing up your email account, contacts, and calendar - directly from Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.

Simple Pricing: Per TB

You pay for what you use, nothing more. We bill per TB of data we store for you. Service plans include plenty of storage, too!

RapidRecovery Continuity

Recovery of accidentally deleted files in 10 minutes or less.
Exclusive for Pro Care and Pro Care Care+ partners - 

Michigan's Trusted Advisor for Business IT

We Grow Businesses:

Business leaders that embrace technology equip their teams to be faster, smarter, and proactive with every opportunity presented. Our mission is to ensure that your technology is always operating at its best, and that we as your experts keep you on-top with industry trends and forecasts.


Safeguarding and supporting organizations across the US, from right here in Clare, Michigan.

Our Local-First Commitment

We deeply value the local communities we support, and we always try to lean on local organizations first for our success.

Apexity Reach - Our Non-Profit Division

We volunteer over 100 hours per year to support and secure the many organizations that support our local communities.

Michigan's Trusted Partner for Business Backups

Connect With Our Team

We would love to get to know you and your business!
Fill out this form and one of our sales team members will connect with you to determine how we can best serve you.
Office with computer